Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Man from Nowhere - 아저씨 (2010)

Very, very good film. Seldom does casting and performance of the talents suit a film so well. Of course, the direction and other aspects of this film are top notch as well. Possibly one of the entertaining commercial films I've caught in awhile.

The King's Speech (2010)

A talky kind of film. Not too bad.

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Interesting story. Was a bit talky and was struggling to keep awake during one talky scene near the end.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Perfect Rivals - 美好冤家 (2011)

Not that good, not that bad either. At the end of the day, for a generic storyline like this (which wasn't very well realized), you need characters and performances who can draw you into the film, or entertain you to a satisfactory level at least. The performances and the story aren't the strong suit of this film for me, but rather a few interesting scenes which highlight the director's usual fondness for the absurd or situations ridicule.

The Terrorizers - 恐怖份子 (1986)

This film looks really dated in terms of fashion sense. I had a hard time sitting through it as I'm not really used to slow pace art films these days. Can't say I connected with it very much as I don't really relate to the characters or their situations very much.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Forever - 我愛你愛你愛你 (2011)

Whimsical fun. There were some pacing problems and a few other issues, but these were just nitpicks.